GRAY MATTERS Season 1 Episode 2
Gray Matters - RO Blechman
Gray Matters is a series about highly accomplished older people discussing their current work, their plans and the wisdom they have gained through long, colorful and often celebrated careers.
“These masters are people who don’t retire. They reign.”
- - Lewis Lapham
The masters in Gray Matters continue to work with great energy in their studios, at their cameras, in their offices, on their farms and in many other settings. They have seen extraordinary changes and lived through epic events. They draw wisdom from vivid experiences while still making music, visual art, books and poetry, practicing medicine and running businesses, among many other activities.
Our guests on Gray Matters are making the world more humane, beautiful, healthier, exciting and easier to understand.
This is not a series about reminiscing or lamenting the loss of the golden days, when everything was purportedly better but rather of older Americans fully engaged in the here and now and looking to the future, while richly informed by their extraordinary experiences. As the cohort of older Americans rapidly increases, the lessons from these highly accomplished individuals for people of all ages will resonate more and more.